Artículos y Publicaciones (2023)

Necropolitics, peacebuilding and racialized violence: The elimination of indigenous leaders in Colombia


Ruette-Orihuela, K., Gough, K. V., Vélez-Torres, I., & Martínez, C. (2023) Necropolitics, peacebuilding and racialized violence: The elimination of indigenous leaders in Colombia. Political Geography, 105, 102934.

Justicia transformativa y conflicto agrario. Elementos para un debate necesario


Vélez-Torres, I. (2023) “Justicia transformativa y acceso a la tierra en clave ambiental” In: José Antonio Gutiérrez-Danton, Eric Hodd & Dáire McGill (Eds.) Justicia Transformativa y Conflicto Agrario. Elementos para un debate necesario. Bogotá: Universidad Santo Tomás. Pp- 95-107.

The Future of Environmental Peace and Conflict Research


Tobias Ide, McKenzie F. Johnson, Jon Barnett, Florian Krampe, Philippe Le Billon, Lucile Maertens, Nina von Uexkull & Irene Vélez-Torres. (2023). The Future of Environmental Peace and Conflict Research. Environmental Politics, 1-27.

Artículos y Publicaciones (2022)

Conflicto armado interno y ambiente en Colombia: análisis desde los conflictos ecológicos, 1960-2016


Pérez-Rincón, M., del Pilar Peralta-Ardila, M., Méndez, F. & Irene Vélez-Torres. (2022). Conflicto armado interno y ambiente en Colombia: análisis desde los conflictos ecológicos, 1960-2016. Journal of Political Ecology, 29(1).

La paz en disputa. Actores, mecanismos y hegemonía neoliberal en la construcción de paz en Colombia


Larrea, James & Vélez-Torres, Irene.  (2022) “La paz en disputa. Actores, mecanismos y hegemonía neoliberal en la construcción de paz en Colombia” En: Ángela Arias, Kristine Perry & Erika Weinthal, (Eds). Gobernanza ambiental para la paz en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Water pollution and environmental policy in artisanal gold mining frontiers: The case of La Toma, Colombia


Casso-Hartmann, L., Rojas-Lamos, P., McCourt, K., Vélez-Torres, I., Barba-Ho, L., Bolaños, B., Montes, C., Mosquera, J., & Vanegas, D. (2022). Water Pollution and Environmental Policy in Artisanal Gold Mining Frontiers: The Case of La Toma, Colombia. Science of the Total Environment, 852, 158417.

Engaged pedagogic research: Transforming societies through co-learning and social action


Gough, K., Vélez-Torres, I., Ruette-Orihuela, K., Fayad, J., Rubiano, J., Suárez-Patiño, A., Corredor, G., Reyes, K., Hurtado, D., Larrea-Mejía, J., Bueno, B., Piccolino, G. & van Grootheest, S. (2022). Engaged pedagogic research: Transforming societies through co-learning and social action. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.

Contentious environmental governance in polluted gold mining geographies: The case of La Toma, Colombia


Vélez-Torres, Irene & Vanegas, Diana. (2022) Contentious environmental governance in polluted gold mining geographies: The case of La Toma, Colombia. World Development, 157. 

Slow violence in mining and crude oil extractive frontiers: The overlooked resource curse in the Colombian internal armed conflict


Vélez-Torres, Irene & Méndez, Fabián. (2022). Slow violence in mining and crude oil extractive frontiers: The overlooked resource curse in the Colombian internal armed conflict. The Extractive Industries and Society, 9, 101017.

“Fests of Vests”: The Politics of Participation in Neoliberal Peacebuilding in Colombia


Vélez-Torres, Irene, Katherine Gough, James Larrea, Krisna Ruette & Giulia Piccolino (2022). “‘Fests of vests’: The politics of participation in neoliberal peacebuilding in Colombia”. Antipode: A radical journal of geography 54(2): 587-607.

Artículos y Publicaciones (2021)

Medicinal Marijuana Inc.: A critique on the market-led legalization of cannabis and the criminalization of rural livelihoods in Colombia. 


Vélez-Torres, Irene, Diana Hurtado & Bladimir Bueno. (2021). Medicinal Marijuana Inc.: A critique on the market-led legalization of cannabis and the criminalization of rural livelihoods in Colombia. Critical Criminology: An International Journal, 29(3).

Afrocolombian Struggles for Food, Land, and Culture: The Case of El Tiple


Vélez-Torres, Irene; Torres, Alba; Bernal-Galeano, Sabina; Muriel, Ingrid; Moreno, Hugo; Alzate, Stefanía; Bahamon-Pinzon, David; Vanegas, Diana. (2021). AfroColombian Struggles for Food, Land, and Culture: The Case of El Tiple. Environmental Engineering Science, 38(5), 340-354.

Decolonising design in peacebuilding contexts


Escobar-Tello, Carolina; Ruette-Orihuela, Krisna; Gough, Katherine; Fayad-Sierra, Javier & Velez-Torres, Irene. (2021). Decolonising design in peacebuilding contexts. Design Studies, 73.

Slow violence and corporate greening in the war on drugs in Colombia


Vélez-Torres, Irene & Lugo Vivas, Diego. (2021). Slow violence and the corporate greening in the War on Drugs in Colombia. International Affairs, 97 (1): 57–79.

Modeling exposure risk and prevention of mercury in drinking water for artisanal-small scale gold mining communities


Morgan, Victoria; Casso-Hartmann, Lisseth; Velez-Torres, Irene; Vanegas, Diana; Muñoz-Carpena, R., McLamore, Eric & Kiker, G. A. (2021). Modeling exposure risk and prevention of mercury in drinking water for artisanal-small scale gold mining communities. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 27:6, 1492-1508.

Artículos y Publicaciones (2020 – 2019)

Sensor-as-a-Service: Convergence of Sensor Analytic Point Solutions (SNAPS) and Pay-A-Penny-Per-Use (PAPPU) Paradigm as a Catalyst for Democratization of Healthcare in Underserved Communities


Morgan, V., Casso-Hartmann, L., Bahamon-Pinzon, D., McCourt, K., Hjort, R., Bahramzadeh, S., Velez-Torres, I., McLamore, E., Gomes, C., Alocilja, E.,  Bhusal, N., Shrestha, S., Pote, N., Kenny Briceno, R.,  Palit Austin Datta, S., & Vanegas, D. (2020). Sensor-as-a-Service: Convergence of Sensor Analytic Point Solutions (SNAPS) and Pay-A-Penny-Per-Use (PAPPU) Paradigm as a Catalyst for Democratization of Healthcare in Underserved Communities. Diagnostics, 10(1), 22.

No land for food. Prevalence of food insecurity in ethnic communities enclosed by sugarcane monocrop in Colombia


Hurtado, Leidy; Vélez-Torres, Irene & Méndez, Fabián. (2020). No land for food. Prevalence of food insecurity in ethnic communities enclosed by sugarcane monocrop in Colombia. International Journal of Public Health 65(7), 1087-1096.

Shifting sands: Legal dispossession of small-scale miners in an extractivist era


Hougaard, Inge-Merete & Vélez-Torres, Irene. (2020). Shifting Sands: Legal dispossession of Small-Scale Miners in an Extractivist Era. Geoforum 115: 81-89.

Beyond property: Rural politics and land-use change in the Colombian sugarcane landscape


Vélez-Torres, Irene, Daniel Varela, Víctor Cobo-Medina & Diana Hurtado. (2019). Beyond property: rural politics and land-use change in the sugarcane landscape in Colombia. Journal of Agrarian Change 19: 690-710. 

Narrativas comunitarias y dinámicas territoriales del proceso de implementación del Acuerdo de Paz en Miranda, Cauca (2016-2018)


Vélez-Torres, Irene (2019). Narrativas comunitarias y dinámicas territoriales del proceso de implementación del Acuerdo de Paz en Miranda, Cauca (2016-2018). CS 28: 153-179. 

Ordenamiento en disputa y espacialización de la injusticia en Colombia


Vélez-Torres, Irene, José Joaquín Pérez-Pérez y Diver Antonio Riascos-Riascos (2019). Ordenamiento en disputa y espacialización de la injusticia en Colombia. Cuadernos de Geografía – Revista Colombiana de Geografía 28(2): 225-240. 

Plexos conflictivos: una visión territorial e histórica de los conflictos ambientales en la cuenca alta del río Cauca


Vélez-Torres, Irene y Vélez, Hildebrando. (2019). Plexos conflictivos, una visión territorial e histórica de los conflictos ambientales en la cuenca alta del río Cauca. RCS 42(1): 177-206.

Equity, a necessary consideration in the interface between health and the environment


Vélez-Torres, Irene; Mendez, Fabián; and Vrijheid, Martine. (2019). Equity, a necessary consideration in the interface between health and the environment. International Journal of Public Health 64(1): 1-2.